Canva Pro for Realtors
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Canva is the best tool for creating your real estate marketing. In this video I run down the pro features and why I like them.
Magic Resize: Amazing for creating one image such as a portrait story and saving a copy as a 1080×1080 square for Instagram and as 1280×720 rectangle for Facebook. All at the click of a button and small corrections.
Background remover: Need a photo of you or a object cropped out without a white background? This pro feature does a surprisingly amazing job. It wasn’t working on todays webinar because of lag.
Pro elements VS free ones: No contest. PRO all the way. Same for stock photos… the pro version really has a lock down on all the good stuff.
Video: Yep making images come alive is super simple with Canva. Makes for great short format videos… consider a 15 second video with market stats for featuring a listing.
Transparent background: The pro version allows you to save transparent backgrounds. Even if you used a cropped image and uploaded it.. the free version ads a white box. Mostly seen with logos. The pro version removes the box.
Brand management: Having everything in one place when you design is priceless. Makes creating on the go so much easier.
We’re actually making templates ongoing for REALTORs. If you wanted to join or check them out. Please go to: and download some samples for free!